Sunday, November 29, 2015

Moving is Admin!

Moving countries is an exciting but nerve-wracking process. But no one can prepare you for the amount of PURE ADMINISTRATION involved! From Visas to job applications to accommodation hunting and flights! It just never ends.

The process started out with the beginning of our Visa applications. My grandparents were born in the UK and this means that I qualify for an Ancestry Visa. Since Frans is my husband, he qualifies for a dependent visa. This means we need to source: my grandfathers original birth certificate, my mothers birth certificate, my parents marriage certificate, my birth certificate, my marriage certificate, proof of our finances, proof that we will work when we get there, a TB free certificate each... there is more but this is boring you! We need to fill in a really, really long online form and pay a lot of money too! We have spoken to everyone we know who has even thought of applying for a UK Visa, and people have been so kind and helpful. We are so grateful.

But it doesn't end there. When a teacher applies for jobs in the UK, you need to get a police clearance certificate, three letters of reference from contactable referees, fill out countless forms. All of this to prove your reliability when working around children. We still haven't officially applied for our visas, and haven't booked our flights yet! We need to sort out all of our things this side too. Rent our flat out, pack up all our special things, throw a lot away, prepare for Christmas!

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